Salt water gargling, a decent alternative to mouthwash?

Salt water gargling

For a long time, I’ve been looking for an alternative to mouth washes, but still supports my oral health, without the unwanted chemicals and alcohol found in many commercial products. That’s when I found a quite old fashioned, but simple and effective alternative: Salt Water Gargling.

Salt has long been recognised for it’s antibacterial properties, making it an effective natural remedy for various oral conditions. When dissolved in water, salt creates a hypertonic environment that draws water out of the bacteria through osmosis, effectively dehydrating and killing them. This makes salt water an excellent antiseptic for reducing the bacterial load in the mouth, soothing throat infections, and even promoting healing of minor wounds. It’s natural and chemical free composition makes it a good alternative to mouth wash.

I have been using it for a few weeks now and have noticed a significant improvement in the health of my throat and tongue.

Here is a video on some of the documented benefits;

Here are the steps I followed:

  1. Boil some water and fill a cup to about 1 quarter
  2. Get a bit less than a teaspoon of salt and dissolve in the boiling water
  3. Fill the rest of the cup up with lukewarm water (you may need more hot water if you use cold)
  4. Make sure it’s not too hot as to burn your mouth
  5. Gargle the salt water mix as many times as needed, or until the water is gone

It is important to note that prolonged use may dry your mouth so continued use may not be advised. Also, people with high blood pressure might want to avoid this practice or consult with a healthcare professional before trying it. Remember, it’s always best to listen to your body and adjust accordingly.

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